5 Simple Ways Macros
can Help you Create the
Best Body of your Life!
Get the exact strategy I used to lose 30lbs and over 30 inches!
I started out most likely right where you are…
I was a busy mom and wife taking care of four kids, a dog and running a household. I was busy meeting the needs of everyone else, while completely neglecting my own. I was insecure and embarrassed of the way I presented myself to the world, but losing weight just felt like one more thing on my endless to do list.
Until I discovered macro counting.
I had heard about macros before, but they seemed a little confusing and intimidating to be honest. I wasn’t even sure where to begin! Well lucky for you I decided to dive in and just give it a try. I made all the mistakes and learned all the tips and tricks through trial and error. I took everything I learned and I created an at your own pace video course to help people learn everything there is to know to be successful with macros.
From basic nutrition, meal planning, best apps to track with and how to meal prep from start to finish, I break everything down in a way that makes it nearly impossible for you to fail at this!
I felt like I had tried every method there was to lose weight with very limited success. I would do okay for a little while and then life would happen and I would be right back where I started.
I was ready to give up and accept that I just couldn’t lose the weight.
Then the pandemic hit. My world felt out of control. I didn’t know how long it would last and what changes it would bring. I knew I had a choice on my hands, fall back into the pattern of emotional and stress eating or take back the control.
I decided right then and there that I was going to do whatever I could to become the healthiest version of me. So I started exercising. I exercised intensely 6-7 days a week and started to watch what I was eating.
I didn’t really have a plan for my nutrition other than to eat as “clean” as possible. While I was feeling better mentally and getting stronger physically, I did not see any results on the scale AT ALL.
I spent so much money and time on products and plans that weren’t necessary. I tried expensive pre-workout, vitamins and shakes. I signed up for plan after plan that promised losing weight would be easy. I spent countless dollars on clothing to cover up my muffin top, make me look slimmer, and draw the eye away from my “problem areas.”
I didn’t have the energy to play with my kids like I wanted to. I was always tired. Getting up and down on the floor to play felt like a chore in itself. I even began to have health issues in my 30’s!
I knew that losing weight shouldn’t have to be this difficult and that there had to be a better way.
That’s when I discovered Macro Counting
After trying all the wrong ways, I finally discovered a method that made losing weight feel easy and sustainable and my results came QUICK and EASY with very little extra time and money invested.
Want to know your personal macro numbers? Enter your info below and I’ll send you my custom macro calculator for FREE!
So why did my first attempts at weight loss fail?
Here are the 5 ways Macros can help you create the best body of your life
1. I didn’t track how many calories I was actually eating.
I thought if I just ate mostly foods that were technically clean then the weight would just come off. I forced myself to eat foods that I did not enjoy. I didn’t know it was possible to lose weight and eat foods I enjoyed. I wasted time and money prepping meals that I did not look forward to eating. I would find myself making every excuse in the book not to eat them and end up feeling guilty about my food choices. As soon as I started tracking, big changes started happening, physically and mentally. #1 Eat the amount of calories you need for your goals
2. I thought cutting carbs was the only way to lose weight.
I thought it was just common knowledge that if you want to lose weight that you cannot enjoy bread! I thought if I just avoid all carbs, then the weight would melt right off. I would do okay for a few days and then I would crash hard. I would be moody, tired, low on energy and low on will power. I didn’t know that carbs are an important source of fuel. I didn’t know I could enjoy carbs and still lose weight. Once I realized I could fit carbs into my daily life and still see positive body changes, I knew this wasn’t just some diet plan, it was a lifestyle change. I felt confident I could lose weight and keep it off forever. #2 Eat the right amount of carbohydrates
3. Protein wasn’t even on my radar.
I don’t have anything against meat. I like it just fine, but I’m not crazy about it. I would usually eat a small amount of meat at dinner and maybe some lunch meat in a sandwich for lunch. I didn’t know how incredibly low my daily protein intake was. I didn’t realize that protein helped keep me feeling full and my energy levels high. I didn’t know how much more I could get out of my workouts if I increased my protein. Once I started planning my meals around protein everything changed for me. I was full even after eating less calories and my moods were much more stable than any other previous “diet” I had been on. #3 Increase your protein
4. I did hours of boring cardio that I did not enjoy.
I thought I needed to run or do other forms of cardio for hours on end to lose weight. I thought I needed to burn off what I ate that day or the day before. I like to eat so I thought I had to make up for it by burning as many calories as I could during my workouts. Once I stopped doing extra cardio and switched my focus to nutrition coupled with short, effective workouts, the fat literally melted off me! #4 Pair macros with effective exercise for the best results
5. I thought certain foods were BAD.
I had a preconceived notion that there were good foods and bad foods. I would eat a food that I considered to be on the naughty list and feel incredible amounts of guilt. This would lead me to feeling like the day was already ruined and that I might as well just go way of course that day and start again tomorrow, except that sometimes tomorrow wouldn’t come and I would stay off track. I didn’t know that I could just eat the cake, specialty coffee or pizza I wanted and have it be a part of my macros, therefore, zero guilt. Once I realized that I could just build the foods I love into my days and continue to see results, I was free! (what the heck are macros?) #5 Eat whatever you like, just track it
The truth is, losing weight and meeting your body goals is actually pretty simple. Learning the basics of macro tracking and
implementing them consistently over time is all there is to having the healthy body you desire.
From seeing no change on the scale to seeing results in the first week!
I decided to give macros a try and I dove in head on. After just two weeks I was down 4 pounds! I know that may not seem like much but this time it stayed off and I kept losing more! Want to know the best part? I was losing inches as well and I discovered for me personally it was the inches and bodyfat I was truly looking to lose. NOT the number on the scale.
I bought a scale that would help me keep track of not just my body weight but also my body fat percentage muscle mass, and visceral fat (more on this later). Below you can see the results:
Down 30lbs!
From 148 to 118 in just 5 short months!
As you can see there was a pretty steep drop off in body weight from June though November. I lost 30 pounds rather easily and kept it off!
The graph above shows June 2020 through June 2021. As you can see after the initial drop off I was able to maintain my weight for the rest of the year. The small fluctuations you see are all within 5 pounds (thanks period). I am happy to report that I am still at this weight currently because that is where ! like it. I choose. I am in control. And it feels so good!
As the results continued to come, my life began to change for the better in many ways…
I liked who I was seeing in the mirror!
I stopped wearing my spanx!
I enjoyed social gatherings again!
This is a really embarrassing picture for me to share with you. Yes my bathroom is a mess! No I am not a fitness model or influencer. There is no filter. I did not take this photo 50 times and choose the best one. I never intended anyone but me to see these photos. But you know what? They are real! I am a busy mom of four kids and when I started this journey I’ll admit I had low expectations for my stomach. For the first time in my adult life I was seeing actual ABS! I literally cried as I text this to my husband on this day.
This is the type of photo I would usually make my husband erase. I’m not posed. I had no idea he was taking it, no time to suck in and try to make my stomach look “photo worthy.” Except this time when I saw it, all I could do was cry happy tears of pride! I worked hard and I finally FELT the worth I had all along.
Yes I lost 30lbs and over 30 inches off my body in 5 months! But more importantly…
I completely changed my toxic relationship with food!
I know how to give my body what it needs to thrive!
I sleep amazing!
I have so much energy!
I am truly happy on the inside and the outside!
For these reasons and so many more I decided that I NEEDED to spread the love! I wanted to help as many other people as I could feel the same way that I do now. And that is where my course was born.
Macros Made Easy
An online video course that will teach you everything you need to know to be successful counting macros.
Start losing up to 2lbs per week and keep it off forever!
All while eating foods you love that are in your kitchen right now!
In this course you will find answers to the most common questions and issues with macro counting. I will walk you through:
What macros are- and why is it important to count them. We will discuss what is so different and special about macros.
Understanding food labels and how they apply to macros- breaks down everything that is in a nutrition label and help you better understand the foods you are eating everyday.
How to track them using My Fitness Pal- I already did the trial and error with this app and know all the ins and outs of how to track your food. I’ll show you all the tricks and hacks to make quick and easy work of tracking what you eat.
How to plan your meals in way that actually fits your schedule and preferences- custom packet that is designed to help you plan what you will eat in a way that ensures your success. We will take into account the unique factors of your lifestyle, plan meals that you love and make them fit into your busy life.
How to establish your true health goals and develop a plan to implement them- We will work through how to uncover your true goals for yourself and discover your big why.
How to design a meal prep schedule that works for you- discover the right meal prep style for you and walk you through every detail of meal prepping multiple meals from start to finish. After this course you will be meal prepping like a true pro! whether you count macros or not, this information alone is worth it!
How to manage going out to eat, social gatherings and tracking alcohol- Most people are WAY off when they estimate alcohol and meals in social situations. I will show you how to track these accurately and still enjoy them. We can still enjoy our life and smash our goals at the same time. I will show you how to balance it all.
Suggestions for the most effective workouts to accompany you- some common misconceptions about exercise and go over the changes I made to my exercise regimen that completely changed my body. The combination of this form of exercise and macro tracking at the same time truly works like magic! It honestly feels like I’m keeping a big secret and I want to share it with the world!
All of this and More!!!
For a Limited Time Only $99 $79!
PLUS I will also give you my 3 DAY MACRO MEAL PLAN that you can adapt to get you started right away and give you some inspiration!
Need A Little More Help?
Check out our custom plans. Everything from designing custom meal plans that fit your life to 1 on 1 coaching sessions.
What is macro counting?
Macro counting is simply a way of tracking what you eat and how much of it. You will have a target number of protein, carbohydrates and fat for the day based on your current body and your goals, and you will eat that amount for the day.
Can’t I just track calories?
Sure! You can do that and you will probably initially see weight loss. Problem: You are likely eating off balance and your energy is going to get low and your moods will start to be effected. At this point you may be feeling hungry all the time and end up throwing in the towel. With a balanced amount of macronutrients, you feel satisfied throughout the day. You can carry on in a calorie deficit for weight loss for weeks and still keep your energy.
Will I have to track everything I eat forever?
I talk about this in detail in my course, but the short answer is no. I hardly tracked my macros in the entire year of 2021 and my weight stayed within a 5 pound range. You will move into what is called intuitive eating when you are ready. I will teach you how I did it in my course.
Do I have to buy additional products if I sign up for your course?
Absolutely not! That is the beauty of macro counting. It’s not a diet plan or limited way of eating. You chose what you want to eat and when. I do have a section in the course where I give some suggestions for food products that are macro friendly and helped me personally but you DO NOT have to use them to be successful.
Imagine This
You wake up in the morning and you already have a plan for what you will eat for the day.
You sat down and wrote out a plan of food that you actually like and fit it into your busy schedule. Now all you have to do is eat it and watch the results you have wanted for so long just happen like magic. It almost seems too easy.
You have only been tracking macros for a month and you have already lost 8lbs!
You see that number on the scale and smile to yourself because you know its not water weight from some crash diet that will come right back on when you eat normally again. You are already eating normal! That weight is gone for good and you know that you are in total control of where you want to go from here.
You hit your weight loss/body fat goals and you are not lost on where to go next.
Close your eyes and picture that number on the scale, that body fat percentage, your body looking how you envisioned it, the feeling of your clothes fitting right, your doctor telling you that your numbers have drastically improved, your muscle mass increased or any other goal that you have. You’ve done it. After so many times of trying and giving up or trying and realizing the plan wasn’t realistic to your lifestyle you found something that worked. You fund something you feel good about because you didn’t have to risk your health in any way to get to your goals. You did it the right way, the healthy way and you know exactly how to maintain it or move into your next goal.