Hi, I’m Tiffany
I’m a mom of four with a passion for health and fitness. It has always been my dream to help others truly understand their nutrition and create a healthy relationship with food. I have a teaching background and have done years of research into nutrition and fitness. Through my blog, The Macro Mommy, I am able to share that knowledge with the world!
I started out right where you are now.
Tired of starting over.
I was tired of researching my next plan to lose the weight going out buying all the food getting started with the best intentions only to fall off the wagon and be right back where I started.
Not Wanting to Go Out.
I was tired of following a weight loss plan and having some success but then going to a family function, important event, work function, or holiday party and being completely derailed.
Always Self Conscious.
I was tired of feeling self-conscious of the way that I looked in my clothes. I had accepted that a muffin top was just a part of who I was now but still wished I could get rid of it deep down.
I was tired of wearing spanks in the middle of the summer when it’s hot and sticky just to make myself feel good in a dress I’d like to wear!
No Energy.
I was so tired of not having enough energy to play with my kids or keep up with the activities that I liked to do in my life.
Nagging Pain.
I was tired of nagging back pain that has accompanied being overweight with very little strength in my core muscles.
Tired of saying I’ll start tomorrow.
I was tired of bad foods making me feel like I cheating! Then, once I already had one, I would decide “well this day is over, I’ll start again tomorrow” and basically eat everything in my pantry.
What if I told you that there was a way to lose weight for good without banishing any of the foods you like?
What if there was a way you could go to that birthday party and just have a slice of pizza or a piece of cake without any guilt and continue on your health journey?
What if I told you there’s a way to fuel your body that will maximize the results you get out of the exercise that you do?
What if I told you there’s no such thing as bad foods?
What if I told you you could lose the weight and maintain it for years and even the rest of your life?
What if I told you you could even have a few drinks here and there and still not ruin your “diet“!
What if I told you you could banish Spanx for good!!!
What if I told you you could get to a place where you don’t even have to track what you’re eating and you continue to maintain the healthy body you worked for?
What if I told you you don’t have to go out and do a big special grocery shopping trip that you could start right here right now with the foods you already have!
What if I told you all this could be achieved without any special supplements or fancy products?
What if I told you you could do all of this on your own for free?
I gained 60 pounds with my first pregnancy. 60 pounds! And despite my very sincere efforts to eat healthier and exercise during my three subsequent pregnancies I still gained 40 pounds in each one of them. I also had the misfortune of being one of those people who do not lose weight very easily while breast-feeding. The weight did not just “fall off” like they say it would. In fact, I’d argue I hadn’t even tougher time losing any weight while breast-feeding. I am not one of those women who just bounced back naturally after having a baby (if you were I am absolutely not hating on you that is amazing mama and I know we all have struggles in our own way).
I was tired of not liking what I saw in the mirror. Tired of being embarrassed. Tired of trying to lose weight and failing. Sick of stress eating and boredom binging then feeling super guilty afterwards. I read about macro counting and I honestly thought it would just be another plan I tried and failed. As I started to learn more I really became excited that this was something I could handle, something that seemed doable and sustainable long term. I thought what the heck I’ll give it a try!
I completely changed my life, my confidence and my relationship with food!
I no longer feel guilty after a night out with my girlfriends.
I can eat something at a party and stay on track with my goals.
After my fourth baby I never thought I would wear a dress or even a nice jeans outfit for a night out without spanx. I just accepted that a muffin top was part of the deal. I am ecstatic to report that in nearly 2 years I have not worn a single pair of spanks, or body shaper or smoothing tank top of any kind!!!
I am seeing incredible gains and results from my workouts because I am giving my body what it needs.
I’m actually to a point where I am trying to eat in a surplus to gain muscle! Never in my life did I think I would say that.
I’ve done all the research for you and compiled it into one basic course.
Macros Made Easy!
In this course you will find answers to the most common questions and issues with macro counting. I will walk you through:
What macros are
Understanding food labels and how they apply to macros
How to track them using My Fitness Pal
How to plan your meals in way that actually fits your schedule and preferences
How to establish your true health goals and develop a plan to implement them
How to design a meal prep schedule that works for you
How to manage going out to eat, social gatherings and tracking alcohol
Suggestions for the most effective workouts to accompany you
All of this and More!!!